Sussex Musicians Club

About us

We are a community of classical music lovers, both performers and listeners.

The Club was inaugurated in March 1923. Have a look at the History page for some details of how the Club developed in the first years.

Our series of informal musical evenings features artists drawn from our membership, and runs from September to June. The repertoire ranges from early music right up to the present day, combining the familiar with items less often performed.

Except where indicated, from September 2024 all of our concerts are held at Chapel Royal, 164 North St, Brighton BN1 1EA, on Saturdays at 7.00 pm.

Annual membership is £30, and includes free admission for the year.

Admission for non-members is £7. Free admission for under 18s.

End of season and AGM


Our AGM was completed after the final concert of 2023-24 season on 8th June. The following points were agreed:

1. The Sussex Musicians Club will adopt Chapel Royal as our 'base' for next season;

2. Start time for the concerts has been revised to 7.00 pm;

3. No changes to subscription rates.

Club officers were successfully elected (or continued in post).

If any member would like a copy of the minutes of the AGM, please email the Hon. Treasurer.

Forthcoming concerts

Muriel Hart

Muriel Hart, who died just after Christmas aged 99, was a lifelong member of the Club, joining it in her teens, and gave it decades of support and service as well as to many of its individual members.

This was just a part of the massive amount of work that Muriel did for music in Brighton and Sussex over many years.

The Sussex Musicians' Club would like to recognize and commemorate its debt to her and accordingly we are planning a concert in October in her memory.

Here is a recording of Muriel accompanying Beatrice Monaco in May 2015. At this time we were meeting at Brighton and Hove High School which explains the dry acoustic.

Review from Dr Simon Jenner

Simon's review of 13th January concert can be found here



Here is a message from Jannet King, Chair of Springboard:

I’m writing as the Chair of Springboard - Brighton & Hove Performing Arts, which is about to take place, as usual, on weekends in March in Brighton & Hove.

We expect some inspirational performances from some of the most talented young musicians in the area, some of whom go on to play professionally, and I always think it a pity that the audience is made up mainly of family, teachers and other performers. Would you be able to include a plug for Springboard next time you email your members?

I’ve created a page on our website listing the “highlights” that might be a particular draw.